
Handley Care Farm CIC

Handley Care Farm CIC was established in March 2024 as part of Tony and Sue’s vision to extend the magic of the farm to others, like Lucy, who found a place where they could experience a freedom and independence that wasn’t available to them elsewhere.

Lucy is 13, has Autism, ADHD and developmental delay, and has been visiting Handley Farm for 5 years. She loves spending time with the goats, knows them all and has gained a greater understanding of what they need and how they thrive. Lucy’s weekly goat experiences have boosted her confidence, communication skills, and had a positive impact on her behaviour. While supervised, Lucy enjoys being independent around the farm.

Lucy is just one of the regular visitors to the farm. There are many others who benefit from being in a safe, green rural environment, in nature, with animals, getting plenty of fresh air, and socialising in a safe and non-judgmental place.

How you can help

Volunteer: Handley Farm is supported by volunteers. Some live on the farm as Wwoofers, others visit weekly. There are always lots of opportunities to get involved – you could donate an hour of your time either in the garden, the labyrinth, taking care of the goats (feeding, milking, walking), developing Belper Shed, or helping at events. We also welcome visits from businesses who operate a CSR policy and would like to support a not for profit organisation.

Donate: all donations enable us to continue the work we do at Handley Farm supporting children and young adults with special educational needs. Your donation would make it possible for someone without funding to enjoy a visit to the farm. We are grateful for donations of materials, waterproof clothing and footwear, tools for the garden, seeds and other items that we can use in our work with the CIC.

Sponsor: you or your business could offer sponsorship. We have a wide range of initiatives and are raising funds to purchase accessible toilets, wellies for visitors, waterproof clothing, and equipment for the Forest School.

We are a not for profit organisation and are established as a Community Interest Company (CIC). Registration number: 15544076.

Please get in touch if you would like to support us.