
Handley CSA Veg

Get your weekly veg from Handley Farm and support us to grow produce year round.

We grow a whole range of vegetables and fruit using farming practices that improve soil health and biodiversity. No chemicals are used.

What is a CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture connects producers and consumers. You become a member and subscribe to a share of the harvest. This supports us by ensuring we have a steady income year-round and in return we distribute what we grow to you, the members. We also organise events and volunteering days for you to get involved.

How does it work?

  • Become a member by paying a monthly subscription and receive a weekly share of the harvest and access to our farm events.
  • To become a member you select the share size you would like and set up a direct debit.
  • Every Thursday late afternoon/evening we host an event at the farm where you come pick up your share.* The pickup events will be an opportunity to have a meal, visit the garden and collect any other produce you have purchased from our Food Hub.
  • Your weekly veg will include a range of vegetables and fruit.
  • You can opt for a trial to see if you like it before you sign up as a full member. Once you become a member, we ask for two month’s notice if you decide to cancel your subscription so that we can find someone to replace you.

*If you are unable to collect on a Thursday evening, let us know and we can discuss alternative pickup times

Small Share

£50 paid monthly

(Suitable for a single person or couple)

Large Share

£70 paid monthly

(Suitable for a family)

Sign up today via our subscription form and we will be in touch with more details.
Alternatively call or message Siân on 07966062882.

Small share on July 4th 2024

Siân talks about why we are using the CSA (Community Support Agrigculture) model at Handley Farm…

Ever since first visiting Handley Farm and experiencing the sense of community here, I’ve thought it’s a great place for a CSA. The CSA model, where people subscribe as members and in return receive a share of the veg, is all about mutual support.

I’ve visited CSAs all around the country – social, vibrant, hopeful places – and they have the closest relationship I’ve seen between customer and producer. The members understand the struggles of the farmer, because they visit the farm and are kept informed about what’s going on. Many also volunteer, so they understand the hard work required to grow veg without the use of chemicals. The pick-up events are social occasions where members can come together and spend time in the garden.

It also gives me, the grower, direct access to the members’ feedback – what they like, what they don’t, what they want to see being planted. It’s a very rewarding way to grow food.

There are hundreds of CSAs in the UK. To read more visit: